So, this post is definitely one "for the people..."
In my first post I talked about being a pregnant Christian, and how many people (unfortunately many fellow Christians), believed abortion was "the answer." I didn't elaborate too much and even joked about how that was "a whole other post." Well, since then, I have received a lot of feedback, both good and bad, and others just saying they can't wait to read "that post." I will probably be repeating a little here of what I originally stated in my first post here, but bear with me (if you are interested!) Here is that "whole other post"...
I grew up "pro-life" ... Whatever that meant. Hmm. I always equated abortion with being wrong, but being "pro-life" meant little more to me than just being what I was told I should be. It isn't like I really contemplated what that meant - as a Christian, as a member of the body or Christ, as a friend, as a sinner. I don't want to sound too preachy here. I am not a preacher by any means, and this is all my opinion. Just as a disclaimer. :) But many have asked, so here goes...
I do believe that all of life is a blessing. Of course, I do not believe that going out and having sex, while unmarried is right. I believe that is a sin. But being pregnant/carrying a life, that isn't...
When I told a few close friends early on that I was pregnant the reaction was horrible. I can understand that. Ya know, "Did you know that girl over there in that pew is pregnant?!" - Gasp! Ah! Oh, I can only imagine the thoughts... "What kind of Christian is SHE?" and so on. No, it may not be ideal or what was originally in the plan, but I do not believe that the pregnancy is the sin. See the distinction?
I have heard it all. I was actually referred to once by a good friend as "knocked up;" terminology I believe is both very negative and offensive. She would never of referred to her happily married self as quote knocked up, but me... Oh, well, for me it was somehow fitting...
I believe that my pregnancy and any single woman or unmarried couple's pregnancy for that matter, is just as much a blessing as the married couple standing next to me/them. We all make mistakes, but God doesn't. And like I have previously said, I do not believe that God punishes people with babies. I also do not think the answer is ever abortion.
Does being a single parent to a healthy or otherwise baby mean that the circumstances could be harder vs. the married couple? Sure. Though not necessarily. But it doesn't mean that the life the single woman is carrying in her belly or holding in her arms is of any lesser value. All of life is created and allowed by God. All of His creation is a blessing. And because of that... All life needs to be valued.
We can't be "pro-life" but simultaneously shun the girl in the church pew who has repented, but yes, is pregnant (I would go as far as saying we can't even shun the unrepentive girl in the church pew who is pregnant...). I believe that if we are "pro-life" then we need to make more of an effort to impart life as a core value among our friends, community, churches, etc.
But we can't stop there...
And while I say this being in this situation, I believe it needs to be said regardless. We (meaning specifically the body of Christ/sisters in Christ/fellow mothers/pro-life individuals) need to let those carrying the life know they are loved. The personal discouragement that I felt from "friends" and some within my "church community" this past year was enough to (thankfully, only) almost move me in a different direction. I strongly believe that when a girl is alone, or an unmarried couple is struggling with an unplanned pregnancy - they need support, not judgement. We need to be willing to set aside our own judgements and simply meet them where they are at, not make them feel worse off, less forgiven, more judged than they already feel from within.
In short, we can't claim to be "pro-life," and then be the first to throw the stone at the pregnant woman/unmarried couple facing this kind of situation. Life won't be valued and had, if the life-carrier (aka the mom), feels no support.
Some Christians circles may believe things like this are best swept under the rug. Some actually said to me "God knows you heart. He will forgive you if you have an abortion" (which re: forgiveness is true, but not right either). Others may believe that getting married is the best way to handle a pregnancy. (sidebar: I find nowhere in scripture where God recommends that type of response... Not that if it worked out, it couldn't be a tremendous blessing). I believe that scripture seems to be very clear that we need to be open and honest about our sin and make no attempt to cover it up. That goes for the visible sins as much as the invisible.
It is true, we make our own choices. I made mine. It is also true that God doesn't wait until the "crisis" (yes, I did consider my pregnancy such) to warn us. God speaks the truth and His intentions are always clear. He wants to save us from our sins. He tells us as it is, explains how sin will hurt us, and then He offers us a better way. I knew having sex could mean pregnancy. I didn't listen to Him and I did find myself in crisis. What a lesson in the misunderstanding of the severity of consequences and the power of prevention, right?
But even in the crisis God is there. All it ever requires is us going back to Him and/or repenting. I think as Christians, we also need to be there. And while I say all of this in regards to being pro-life and pregnant, I think the lesson can be applied across the board. Who are we to judge? Who are we to shun? Who are we to gossip about? When our sin is right there alongside the next persons? Visible, invisible, big, small; sin is sin.
Truth be told, I am completely incapable of living this life without completing falling on my face, but praise God I have a Savior who died for me. The very blood I made Him bleed, He used to cover me, and you. All our sins. All of them. So... "Knocked up?" ... No, just a sinner. Saved by grace. Praise Him.