"Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." - Matthew 6:34
I find that verse so interesting (really, I am pretty sure that my thoughts on it could make up an entire blog post of itself). The "warning" that God gives us is profound, and for me, serves as a reminder of how totally out of control we are vs. God's all-knowing nature.
Folks, so many of us, in this community are struggling. There is illness, fear, sick children, infertility, marriage issues, unanswered questions, tragedy, etc. The pain and hurt associated with these things are real, but, whether for the good of bad, do you know how quickly things change?
Okay, let me tell you...
Months ago I went in to an ultrasound appointment for a glimpse of my little girl, and just hours later, after tests and tears and a trip to a specialist downtown, I was told "I am sorry, but..."
24 hours can change everything.
And while that is a more negative example, there are of course, those every day miracles too... Like, when I was told for a few weeks, myonlychance of meeting April was to induce. And then I hear ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, a bit later... 130 beats per minute. Now, how isthatpossible?
Well,24 hours can change everything, and God is in control,notus.
Okay, I am going to get totally "preachy" here....
Remember the children of Israel? Manna falling from the sky? - That manna was aneed, and yet...
"The LORD said to Moses, 'I'm going to send you food from heaven like rain. Each day the people should go out and gather only what they need for that day.'" - Exodus 16:4a
Onlywhat they need for the day?
Why?- Why would God instruct these people back then to only collect what was absolutely necessary? And why shouldn't we worry about tomorrow, when tomorrow holds real, legit, fears and troubles and circumstances?
Sure, okay, because we may not be here... Because He could return by then... Because a miracle could come our way... But, maybe also becausewe must come to see Christ(the same one who rained an actual need for survival down from the sky, and who knows what we need for the next hour, day, week, etc.)alone as the supplier of our every need today.
That is hard, isn't it? ... Hard when we so desperately want to be in control... When we want to fix things... When we want answers. Oh, trust me, if I am preaching to anyone, it is myself on this subject.I am the queen of impatience and anxiety.
Today as I publish all of these requests below from so many hurting hearts, and we lift these people up in prayer, I know that I am praying forHis will, as well as for the needs oftoday. And I would ask that when you pray for me and my girl (there is a *medical update* at the bottom of this post), that you would pray for me, right now, today. That I will have the kind of strength, and trust and comfort that only God alone can give, to help me make it through the next day, hour, even minute.
God cares. He is concerned about our lives, our needs, etc. But tomorrow's fears, uncertainties, tests, circumstances, and on and on, are not needs...Until tomorrow.
Will you pray with metoday for these families and individuals below?

Little Bentley - I have been asking for prayers for this little one for several weeks. Bentley went in for open heart surgery last week and is doing great. Praise God! The latest update is that she is medically ready to be discharged but needs to stop vomiting first. The doctors believe the vomiting has been caused by her medication, and are hopeful this will be under control soon. Once Bentley gains weight for two consecutive days, her family will move her and themselves to a nearby hotel for seven days, and then HOME! Please continue to keep this baby girl and her entire family in your prayers. Click here to visit their site!
A Prayer Request for the Family of Bruce O'Krepki - Bruce is an 18 year old that went overboard on a cruise this past weekend. Please pray that they are able to find him. Pray for this family as they wait. Click here to read more about this story.
A Prayer Request for the Stewart Family - Please pray for this precious family as their son was born this past weekend and lived for just a few short hours. Surely this family would love to know you are supporting them with prayer. Click here to visit their blog.
Meet Jessie - Jessie adopted her son at birth last March. This was an open adoption and she is requesting prayer for her son's birth mom. The birth mom is struggling right now, looking for a job and having a tough time. Please pray that Jessie would know how to best support her. Click here to visit Jessie's blog.
Meet Debi – Debi and her husband both lost their jobs in February and for financial reasons, each had to go and live with different family members. Debi needs to move out of the home she is staying in right now, and needs prayers that she is able to find another place to live soon. Her husband was able to find a job, so now we need to pray that can be reunited and be a family again quickly.
Meet Becky - Becky's daughter, Jordan, is currently 16 weeks pregnant. She has previously lost a child to miscarriage. On Sunday Jordan began bleeding and cramping and was taken to the ER. At this point, the baby is still alive, but this little one and her parents need prayers.
Meet Heather - Continued prayers are needed for Heather and her entire family. Heather and her husband have two boys (ages 6 and 7), but have had four consecutive miscarriages between their boys and their current pregnancy. They have made it further this time (about half way through) than any of those four pregnancies, but those losses are still very fresh in their minds. At a recent ultrasound/appointment they were told there were several choroid plexus cysts found in the baby's brain (these can sometimes be related to Downs Syndrome). Heather will need to go to a Perinatologist for a Level 2 ultrasound next. She is extremely nervous and needs prayers for strength, as well as continued trust in God during this uncertain time.
Meet Sara - Sara is seeking prayers for her marriage, as her husband is struggling with a gambling addiction and is spending more and more time away from home/her.
Meet Kayla - Kayla's cousin Jeremy who is like a brother to her lost his little girl on Sunday, when the church van backed over her. She was just shy of 3 years old.
Meet Cathy - Cathy and her husband have recently been going downhill within their marriage. There are a lot of issues, a lot of sadness, and a lot of hurt. Cathy is seeking prayers for strength and understanding.
Meet Christina - Christina's 18 month old son Joshua has severe Bilateral Hydronephrosis and his latest evaluation did not go well. It was learned that Joshua now has kidney damage and his left kidney is much larger and swollen than it has been previously. The next step is more testing. Click here to visit Christina's blog.
Meet Astrid - Astrid and her husband need our continued prayers. They are in their final weeks of their pregnancy (after 2 years of trying to conceive!), and are dealing with a lot of financial issues. They are seeking prayers for strength and the Lord's provision.
Meet Andrea - Andrea is pregnant with twins, one of which has been diagnosed with Holoprosencephaly.
Meet Amy and Philip - Amy, is the mother of Phillip, who recently underwent major brain/spine surgery. Philip is still struggling. His pain level is very high, especially in the incision areas. He is also experiencing some swelling. He is not ready to move to the next hospital but that is in the works. Additionally, Amy, who has also been battling Breast Cancer is needing to have another breast surgery but is having to to put her issues on hold while tending to Phillip. Click here to visit their family blog.
Meet Juliana - Juliana had surgery earlier this month. The Doctors are still seeking answers. Also, pray for Juliana's husband who is having a hard time with his wife being sick. He is scared. Click here to visit her blog.
Meet this California Family – A California couple, including two children, were on their way home from a relatives funeral when a tree fell on their car. The Dad was impaled by branches and was seriously injured. The Mom broke her neck in 3 places but is doing well. The father is self-employed and is expected to be out of work for a year. Please pray for healing and the meeting of financial needs for this family. Click here to read the news article about this incident.
Meet Becky – Becky's brother-in-law, Charles, recently flew to Zimbabwe to attend his father's funeral. Please pray for him and his family as they grieve. Also, pray for Becky's sister and their two children as they go through the next 10 days with Charles being gone. Pray for peace as the country is very unstable.
Meet Camryn - This 5 year old little girl has been fighting Cancer, and is having her first radiation treatment today. Click here to visit her family's blog.
Meet Ani – 8 months ago, Ani gave birth to twins. Her twin "A" was diagnosed in the last two weeks of her pregnancy with SVT. The other twin "V" had severe heart defects and multiple other issues. "V" was not to survive. For reasons known only by God, "A" went to be with Jesus and "V" has survived and is a living miracle. Click here to visit Ani's blog.
Meet Amanda - Amanda is an unwed woman who recently found out that she is 6 weeks pregnant. She is seriously dating her boyfriend of 2 years, but is very concerned as to how both sets of parents will react. She is seeking prayers for strength and wisdom, and forgiveness.
Meet Jen - Jen and her family of 5 are in need of financial assistance. They have fallen behind on their mortgage payment and their mortgage company is unwilling to work with them, but they have recently had a few new options open up for them. Jen is seeking open doors and strength.
Meet Jonathan - Jonathan was initially diagnosed with a brain tumor and then further diagnosed with Anaplastic Astrocytoma, stage 3 type Cancer. Click here to visit his family's blog.
Meet Isa - At age three, this sweet girl has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia; ALL, and has a long road of treatments ahead of her. Click here to visit her family's blog.
Meet Nathan - Nathan's wife was recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer. There are upcoming tests and still a great deal of answered questions. This family has three children under the age of five.
Meet Tiffany - Tiffany and her husband, Zach, have been trying to conceive for 3 years now. They have recently started some new endeavors for fundraising for treatments they plan to start in the next few months. You can read about these fundraisers on their blog. Tiffany's mother also needs continued prayers for her health with a brain aneurysm and brain tumor. Right now a big concern is the amount of pain her Mother is in. Tiffany is seeking prayers for this pain to be lessened. Click here to visit her blog.
Meet Stephanie (or "Nie") - "Nie" was in an almost fatal plane crash with her husband. Though they both survived, they are going through a lot of surgeries and physical therapy (Stephanie just recently had another graph surgery). They are both recovering for now, at home, with their four children. Click here to visit this family's blog.
Meet Megan - Megan's son Evan, was found to have Shone’s Complex after birth. This basically meant that his left ventricle was too small. He had open heart surgery at 1 week old and God chose to work a miracle. Evan is now 11 months old amd this family is seeking prayers for continued miracles for their little man. More details and updates can be found on their blog which you can visit here.
Meet Myah - Myah's daughter, Faith was born with Anencephaly. After living a miraculous 93 days, she went home to Jesus a few days ago. Please pray for this strong mother who chose life, despite the odds, as she now grieves the loss of her sweet girl. Click here to visit Myah's blog.
Meet Rosie and Derek - This couple has been married for over 6 years and are struggling with infertility. Click here to visit their blog.
Meet Jamie - Jamie is awaiting the birth of her fourth child. She is seeking strength and health.
Meet Sadie - Sadie ia a little girl who has Cancer. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy, but is doing well, considering. Click here to visit her family's blog.
Meet Caroline - Caroline is a 27 year old single woman who is struggling with being alone. She desires a husband and a family and is struggling as so many of her friends now have husbands and families of their own. Caroline is seeking prayers for strength as welll as continued trust in God's plans for her life.
Meet Ben - Ben was diagnosed with Leukemia a little over two years ago. He is currently in remission, but is still going through chemo. Click here to visit his family's blog.
Meet Kristy - Kristy's Mom had an MRI about 2 weeks ago and they found "something" in her bone. This Wednesday/Thursday she is going in for another MRI, as well as a bone scan. A biopsy may shortly follow that. They are concerned this could be Cancer. Kristy is concerned for her Father, who tends to be pessimistic. This family needs our prayers during this time of uncertainty. They are also in the middle of planning her sister's wedding so this is just intensifying everyone's already stressed nerves. Click here to visit Kristy's blog.
Meet Karen - Just a few days ago Karen began miscarrying at 14 weeks. She is seeking understanding between her husband and her, as well as peace and comfort through this time.
Meet Owen - At just 16 months old, Owen was diagnosed with T-Cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (T-cell ALL). He started Maintenance Chemo last May. Click here to visit Owen's Caring Bridge page.
Meet Kristina - Kristina and her husband have been trying to concieve for more than 3 years, and they have been doing infertility treatments for most of them. They had an appointment with their infertility Dr. a few days ago and Kristina will soon be having another surgery (she just had another one 8 weeks ago). She is seeking prayers for God's peace as well as strength. Click here to visit Kristina's blog.
Meet Nicole - Nicole is 25 weeks pregnant with a precious little boy; Kyle Joseph. They have been told he has Meckel Gruber and will not live but minutes after birth if he makes is through the birthing process at all. Click here to visit this family's blog.
Meet Brittany - Brittany's boyfriend is in Afghanistan and she hasn't talked with him in a week. She is seeking prayers for both his safety and all the soldiers out there with him.
Meet Vanessa - Vanessa and her family are in need of prayers about an adoption they are about to start pursuing. They have hit some roadblocks with timing, finances, etc. and have some decisions to make. Click here to visit Vanessa's blog.
Meet the Spohr Family – Madeline, the Spohr's 17 month old daughter passed away on April 7th from complications due to prematurity. Please pray for her parents as they struggle through their grief. Click here to visit their blog.
Meet Josh and Tina - Josh and Tina recently lost their son who was born still, after being diagnosed with a lethal birth defect inutero. This couple needs our continued prayers as they grieve their loss and seek direction for the future. They also have a young little girl, Ella who was born with a high-risk birth defect herself. Ella is needing prayers for continual progress in gaining weight and getting stronger physically, along with development of skills for eating and drinking. Click here to visit this family's blog.
Meet Rebecca - Rebecca and her husband Caleb are adopting baby boys from Ethiopia. All of their paperwork and money is in, they are simply waiting on God's timing for a referral. They would love to get a referral before the end of June so they can get the boys this summer. If the referral comes later, the rain season closes the courts and they won't be able to get the boys until after Thanksgiving. They are anxious but trusting God's perfect timing to put their family together.
Meet Samm - Samm's son Deqlan has won his battle against Neuroblastoma, a Cancer of the sympathetic nervous system. The hope and prayer is that he remains free from this disease. Deqlan also has Autism. Click here to visit Samm's blog.
Meet Meredith - Meredith is seeking prayers for infertility issues as well as the adoption process. Her and her husband are in the waiting process for a domestic adoption and just starting the process with international adoption. They are seeking strength and a peace from God in knowing the direction they are to take. Also, her Mother-in-law is very sick. Click here to visit Meredith's blog.
Meet Melissa - Melissa and her husband have tried for two years to conceive a child with no success. They just completed their first IVF cycle and just recently found out that they are not pregnant. They are seeking comfort and strength during this time. Click here to visit this couple's blog.
Meet Lisa - Lisa's son Matthias has Autism and is struggling with the effects of this. Click here to visit Lisa's blog.
Meet Cassie - Cassie and her husband have been married 7 years and are still struggling through infertility.
Meet Chelsey and Bryan - Bryan, who was recently diagnosed with stage 3 Rectal Cancer began chemotherapy and radiation last week. Click here to visit this couple's blog.
Meet Gabby - Gabby continues to need our prayers. She is a 17 year old girl who is dealing with medical problems as well as adjusting to life outside of a hospital. She has a Doctor's appointment today and is seeking prayers that she has gained enough weight, so that they can do a trial off of her IV feedings. Click here to visit Gabby's blog.
Meet Tyler - Tyler is a 1 year old little guy who was diagnosed in December with stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer. Click here to visit Tyler's Caring Bridge page.
Meet Lianna - Lianna and her husband have been trying to concieve for almost 4 years now. After 2 failed IUI's and 2 failed IVF's, they are still praying for God's plan to be revealed to them. Click here to visit Lianna's blog.
Meet Michelle - Last June Michelle and her family lost their 17 month old son, Brayden. Michelle has been having a hard time in her grief journey. Looking ahead to the upcoming "anniversary" is proving very difficult, as this family struggles to know how to honor Brayden, and balance celebrating his life, alongside the pain of the loss. Click here to visit Michelle's blog.
Meet Becki - Becki recently lost her sweet daughter Olivia to Trisomy 18 inutero at 28 weeks. Please remember this family in your prayers. Click here to visit Becki's blog.
Meet Camryn - Camryn's Mother passed away last week. It was unexpected and she is very shaken up, as are her young children.
Meet Ashleigh - Ashleigh and her husband Justin have been trying to get pregnant for 8 months and it is wearing on them. They do have a little girl who is 2, but never thought it would be so hard to get pregnant with a second little one. Click here to visit this family's blog.
Meet Cyrena - Cyrena's husband Tony recently left for his 3rd tour to Iraq. This family has 3 young children that are missing their Daddy a lot! Please continue praying for this family, as well as Tony's safety. Click here to visit this family's blog.
Meet Christy - Christy's family is in the process of adopting three children from Ethiopia, two of which have signficant chronic medical conditions. They have five children at home already. Things are moving very rapidly and so earning the funds for the adoption is of utmost importance. Click here to visit this family's blog.
Meet Rebecca - Rebecca and her husband Tim have been in the process of a domestic adoption for the last 4 months. After several meetings with the Birth Mother, as well as a Social Worker, they were planning on becoming first time adoptive parents last week. Once the baby was born, the Birth Mother changed her mind. Though Rebecca and Tim are understanding of the Birth Mother's decision, they are very broken over the loss that this change of events equals for them.
Meet Hallie - Hallie's baby boy Camden is struggling with chronic, non-antibiotic responding, ear infections. He is scheduled for surgery on May 29th. Click here to visit Hallie's blog.
Meet Noah - Noah is a sweet 5 month old baby boy who has suffered multiple injuries since being shaken by his daycare provider earlier this month. Noah has been having seizures, and there is concern regarding brain damage as well as eyesight loss. More detais of his story are on his family's blog. Click here to visit it.
Meet Raina - Raina is asking for continued prayers for her and her family. Additionally, she is asking for prayer for a very good friend, Pam and her family. This past weekend Pam's best friend Janice (who led her back to the Lord), passed away due to being tragically overprescribed pain medication. This family is in shock, and to make matters more complicated, they were just given the news that Pam's three week old granddaughter McKenzie has Lymphoma.
A Prayer Request from Tracy - Tracy's sister-in-law was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 18 months ago. She's been through every imaginable treatment from losing both breasts to the strongest of chemotherapy and different kinds of radiation/thermal radiation. The Cancer persists. She found out a week ago that it has spread to her lungs, liver and muscle/skin in her hip area. The only treatment left for her is an experimental treatment... She is only 44 years old and has two children and a husband.
Meet Erin - Please pray for Erin's family and their future, that they will make right decisions and handle their choices with God's will in mind. Also, they are expecting their second baby in January. Pray for strength, peace and energy as they have a 14 month old already. Erin is also asking for her friend "C" that has a lot going on in her life right now. Click here to visit Erin's blog.
Meet Stacie - Stacie's daughter was born last June at only 24 weeks gestation, weighing 1 lb, 1 oz. After a very long stay in the NICU she finally went home, but since has been in and out of the hospital multiple times. This family is seeking prayers for their day to day life and for their miracle daughter.
Meet Riley - Riley is a little fighter who needs our continual prayers. Riley's veins are obstucted again and he will be undergoing another Cardiac Cath. on June 1st. Once the narrowing will stop, he can be listed for a heart transplant. Click here to visit his little place on the web.
Meet Heather - Heather's family is sick! Possibly a virus, fifth's disease, etc. Her children have high fevers, red rashes, etc. Click here to visit Heather's blog.
Meet Alyson - Alyson's son Avery was born with PPHN and almost did not make it. He has been struggling with putting on and keeping on weight ever since. He has been doing better lately in some areas, but is having a hard time with some of his new medicines (belly aches, etc.). Avery's next Cardiologist appointment is on June 9th and Alyson is praying that all of his heart and lung problems from birth continue to be a thing of the past. Click here to visit Alyson's blog.
Meet Rebekah - Rebekah is about to say goodbye to her kids for the summer (they will be staying with their Dad). She is seeking prayers for travels/safety. Additionally, Rebekah is giving birth in about a month to a baby who she will be placing for adoption. She is seeking comfort and peace in that decision. Click here to visit Rebekah's blog.
Meet Owen - This little guy is currently waiting on a heart for a heart transplant. Click here to visit his family's blog.
A Prayer Request from Samantha - Samantha's cousin's baby boy named Tyler was born at just 28 weeks gestation, a few weeks ago. He is currently doing well,but needs our continued prayers for good health and growth. Click here to visit Samantha's blog, where she is posting updates on little Tyler.
Meet Cheryl - Cheryl is seeking strength for a very difficult decision she will be having to make in the next few days.
Meet Pablo - This young boy is continuing a battle with Cancer. Click here to visit Pablo's family blog.
Meet Brittany - Brittany's boyfriend, Josh's father recently passed away from Brain Cancer and his mom is extremely lonely. Brittany is also seeking prayers for herself to have strength for Josh and his family when they may not have it.
Meet Cathy - Cathy is trusting that God will bless her son and daughter-in-love with a child. Click here to visit Cathy's blog.
Meet Tracy - Tracy has had 6 miscarriages within the last 2 years and the Dr.'s have never been able to figure out why. She is now pregnant again (almost 9 weeks), but is underrstandably nervous (and of course, also excited!) because of the past. Click here to visit Tracy's blog.
Meet Maddie - Maddie is a young little girl battling Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Click here to visit her family's blog.
Meet Erica - Erica and her husband need our continued prayers. They lost their little girl, Angel Skye last year when Erica went into early labor at 18 weeks. They are now pregnant again and are being told that their unborn baby will not survive after birth due to a few different complications. Click here to visit Erica's blog.
Meet Danielle – Danielle's daughter, Soli, was born in December at just 25 weeks, weighing only 25 ounces. She has chronic lung disease and major issues with feeding. Next week she will be having a G-tube placed so that she can eat and get nutrition. Please pray that the surgery will be a success. Click here to visit Danielle's blog.
Meet El – Please pray for El as her ex-husband is remarrying in a couple of weeks. She has believed that God would reunite them, so when he began dating one of her friends she did not panic. Now that he is marrying her friend, she is dealing with feelings of betrayal by them and God. Her heart is breaking.
Meet Chelsea – After dealing with secondary infertility and a miscarriage, Chelsea and her husband were thrilled to learn they were pregnant with "A". In February, at 34 weeks, Chelsea developed severe complications and "A" passed away before they had a chance to meet him. Now, they are trying again to get pregnant (It took almost a year to become pregnant with "A"). Please pray for peace as she struggles with the unknown, that they will conceive sooner than later and that their hearts would continue to heal from the loss of "A". Click here to visit her blog.
Meet Logan and Cathy – This couple lost their triplets last year within 18 days of birth. They have recently gotten pregnant again, please pray for this pregnancy and for their peace.
Meet Carrie – Carrie's nine month old daughter, Hannah, was diagnosed with a very rare, fatal, genetic metabolic disorder for which there is no treatment. She is on a mission to find something, but the brain deterioration of this horrible disease has already begun. Please pray. Click here to visit her blog.
Meet the Shepherd family – Due to economic difficulties is has been difficult for this husband to keep a job. He has been finding things to fill in and now has an opportunity for a full time job. Recently they have agreed to take on two more children from another family member, adding on to the three children they already have. Please pray that God would provide and that they would know the direction to take.
Meet "Poca" - Please pray for this foster child and her family. This 4 year old is being ripped from the only family she has ever known. Click here to read more about this story from a social worker who care, or click here for the news story.
Meet the Family of Baby Nevaeh - Nevaeh; a 14 month old little girl lost her battle with several heart issues just last month. Nevaeh's mom, Jamie, has been having panic attacks and some other heart issues. This may be related to the stress of losing her precious daughter. Click here to visit Nevaeh's Caring Bridge page.
Meet Katelyn - Katelyn is a first grade teacher who is asking for continued prayers for one of her students who was diagnosed with an Arterio-Venous Malformation (AVM) earlier this year. This is basically a tangle of blood vessals/capillaries. This student's AVM is located in an inoperable part of her brain. It is too deep and too large for them to surgically fix. It has also been discovered that she has an aneurysm that has not ruptured but ultimately will. There is no quick/probably fix. The aneurysm could rupture at any time and given the location of it in her brain and the involvement of the main cerebral artery it would most likely be catastrophic, if not fatal. This student's mother is a single Mom with three small children.
Meet Brittne - Brittne leaves for Basic Military Training for the Air Force on June 1st. She is seeking strength and guidance. Click here to visit Brittne's blog.
Meet Hannah - Hannah is a 10 year old little girl who is fighting Breast Cancer. Click here to visit her family's blog.
Meet Cara - Cara's husband, Reese, is currently going through chemotherapy for Testicular Cancer. His prognosis for a full recovery is very good, but it is a tough and long road, especially for their three small children. Click here to visit this family's blog.
*** MANY people continue to request prayer for these sick babies and their families... If you do not yet know about them click on their link to read more about their circumstances...
The Freeman Family -Click here to visit their blog.
Baby Stellan - Click here to visit his family's blog.
Abby -Click here to visit her family's blog.
Baby Jonah -Click here to visit his family's blog.
Baby Peyton -Click here to visit his family's blog.
Gavin - Click here to visit his family's blog.
Baby April - You are already here. Thank you for praying, and now for a medical update: No new progress. We have a mid-wife appointment tomorrow. Many have e-mailed and left comments asking about induction, etc. since we have now gone past the due date. We are not looking into that route, at this time. Since most first-time mom's tend to go late (vs. early), and everything seems okay and I have progressd 3 cm on my own, our mid-wife is perfectly comfortable letting us go about 2 weeks past the date. More time = more possible growth, etc. If we get too far past, we will look into some other options. For now, we are waiting on Him, and I am hoping things continue to progress, naturally.
*** Anonymous Requests: Please Pray...
- For a woman who is five months pregnant, with complications. The baby's brain is not developed and it is taking a huge toll on this family.
- For a woman whose sister just had a little one last week.
- For a woman who has been sick for years. The Doctrs have been unable to pinpoint what is causing her symptoms. Due to the paina it is difficult for this woman to be a Mother, at times, to her daughter. She is seeking a healing touch and strength and wisdom for those treating her. Additionally, this woman is asking for prayer for her coising who is in the Army and currently overseas.
- For a woman whose in-laws are splitting up; that their hearts would soften and that they would stop feeling like divorce is the answer. This woman is seeking prayers for their hearts to be changed; that they would turn towards God and gain a desire to work on things, together.
- For a woman who is pregnant with a baby due at the end of July. This is her third child; the second being stillborn. She is also asking for prayer for healing after finding out that her husband was unfaithful.
- For a family's son "B" to be healed from Eosinophilic Esophagitis and for their daughter "A" to recover from brain damage.
- For a man, "C" who recently found out that he is HIV positive.
- For a single woman who recently had an abortion and continues to struggle with the aftermath of ger situation.
- For a woman who was 20 weeks pregnant with her baby boy, and unexpectantly went into labor and delivered him still.
- For all of the countless "unspoken" requests on so many people's hearts.
"Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."
(If you have a request for next week's "His will Wednesday" post, e-mail me here with your requests. Please make sure to let me know if you want me to include your name and a link back to your blog, or not. Thank You!)