This morning my inbox was flooded with people all around the half million mark. I was certain that this momma had it at 500,001, but then I opened up the winner who had it, exactly, and she knew it! I should have seen her e-mail sooner, since it was entitled: "Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner! - 500,000th hit!" Ha!
Now, Jennifer doesn't have a blog, or I would link her, but she is a blog follower, obviously! And aside from "blog follower" I thought I would share a little more about her right here - Jennifer is married to the, and I quote "man of my dreams, Nathan," and they have 3 little ones (aren't they gorgeous?)...
Ella (4), Abram (4 1/2 months) and Ada (3)
Jennifer found my blog through one of my personal friend's blogs (small world), and says... "I keep coming back to pray for you and because I am so excited for you about your home birth. We delivered our first two at a hospital with a midwife and those births were just fine. But we decided to have Abram at home and it was the best decision of our life! I wish more people would choose home birth and that it was more widely accepted!" - Amen, sister!

Jennifer, you are getting one for each of your girls!
And everyone else - How could you pass these up? Click here to visit BUBBALou Bands on Etsy.com or click here to visit Lisa's blog.
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On a more personal note, if you don't follow me on Twitter, I did have a mid-wife appointment this afternoon and do want to blog about that, but right now am going to choose a little television and a lot of sleep over blogging. Tomorrow I will post all about it. But, for now, please keep me in your prayers. Today was a very difficult day, full of fears and emotions.
Oh, and a few more requests from other blog readers, like you: (to add to yesterday's "His will Wednesday" post) Please pray...
Meet Kent and Kari - On Saturday, at 32 weeks pregnant with their first child, Kari woke up in a severe amount of pain and made it to the hospital just in time. She was found to have severe pre-eclampsia/toxemia and they found their son, Michael, had already passed. If she hadn't made it there quick enough, she wouldn't have made it either. This couple is heartbroken, and Kari is still physically struggling high blood pressure and heart rate. Please keep Kent and Kari in your prayers as they deal with the shock from this loss, Kari's physical recovery and the future funeral plans, grief, etc.
Anonymous - This young woman has grown up in the "picture perfect" family, with parents who have sacrificed so much to provide the best for her and her sister. A few years ago her parents finally bought their first house; their dream house. Then, in February, without any warning this young woman's father (a 60 year old General Manager with a Master's degree) got let go from his company. Now, almost 5 months later, he's slowly slipping into depression. While their house isn't about to be lost, this man's spirit is. This entire family needs our prayers; for a job, for strength in the interim, for comfort amidst the sadness that not only this man is feeling, but his wife, and his daughters in having to see this man suffer in this way, and for a touch like only our God can provide.
Meet Bianca - Bianca's sweet daughter, Linden is almost 9 month old. She has Down Syndrome and a repaired heart defect called AV Canal defect. Baby Linden had open heart surgery in November of 2008, when she was just 11 weeks old. All was looking good until her second to last follow-up appointment, when her Cardiologist saw some mitral valve leakage. Now it appears that Linden has a defect in the anatomy of her heart which most likely won't correct itself with medicine. This will mean that she'll eventually need yet another open heart surgery (possibly in a few months). Since being put on some new medications recently, Linden has showed some improvement in the amount of leakage. Her Mom is seeking prayers for continued improvements with meds. Click here to visit Bianca's blog.
Thank you friends...