So, if you hit it (my stat counter is at the bottom of my page) and can prove it, e-mail me here, and I will contact you if you are closest, and will send you a cool "mystery prize." - Well, mystery for now, until I know what is closest suited for the winner, and until I highlight the prize/company right here, once this contest is over.
For now, 2 companies that I just have to highlight (and no, these are not the giveaways, they are just amazing!):

This photo doesn't even do these little things justice. If you want an adorable pair of little shoes for your sweet girl or boy, you have to check out Gracious Mayhere.
Hooked on You - Hand Crocheted Hats
Just this afternoon I received a beautiful letter and hat for April from Veronica over atHooked on You, and well I am hooked! - It is beautiful and I am officially declaring one of these amust havefor any Mommy...
I love the flower, but she does stripes and solids for the little men in your life too. Clickhereto head on over to Hooked on You.
Thank you Grace and Veronica!
(and don't forget -500,000!)
(And oh, P.S. - Since a few of you have asked previously about how this would work and now I have actually done this... Here is the deal: If YOU have a small business (or large one) and are interested in being highlighted/introduced right here, and would be willing to donate an item for this purpose in exchange for a little recognition, just e-mail me!)